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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Clarification on DRMS comments

I thought it would be useful to provide some clarification on the situation with regard to Dramatic Arts. The administration understands the importance of Dramatic…

I’m a senior too

We would like to respond to Jessica Hilberman’s letter in the April 4th issue of the Weekly. The Alumnae Association’s goal is to welcome graduating…

Media Studies misrepresented

Regarding the Media Studies program article in the April 4 Weekly, I would like to note: (1) In terms of “some faculty” concern with “under…

Women’s college’s ‘diversity’ is sexism

Our newspaper has an article today on Mills College, titled “Women’s College Roars”. How impressive, loud women. Like Maxine Waters. The article states that there…

Campus lacking dialogue

When I first came to Mills I was a communications major. Well, we all know what happened to that department. My sophomore year I took…

Campus must prioritize community safety

I was assaulted on 3/11/02 in front of the Holiday Motel, next to the 7-11. I was riding my bike, when a young man came…

Mills has a ‘rich black history’

Mills has a rich black history that dates back to the 40s, when theologian and philosopher Howard Thurman taught here. There may be documentation related…