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Posts published by “Tara Taylor”

Mills doean’t prepare students

I went to college for two reasons: to get a well paying job and learn how to write. Lately I have been left in the…

Scorpion King a ‘B’ movie

The new generation of the B movie is back, with a vengeance. “The Scorpion King” is full of action packed one liners and scantily clothed…

Senior Art blends genres

The art department’s eighteen seniors created quite an exhibit to show their four years of hard work. The exhibition, which will be up for the…

Women’s college’s ‘diversity’ is sexism

Our newspaper has an article today on Mills College, titled “Women’s College Roars”. How impressive, loud women. Like Maxine Waters. The article states that there…

Campus lacking dialogue

When I first came to Mills I was a communications major. Well, we all know what happened to that department. My sophomore year I took…

Budget shifts undercut Mills’ stated goals

With the elimination of the liberal arts graduate program and the dramatic arts and media studies major, as well as the reduction of the drama…