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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Budget shifts undercut Mills’ stated goals

With the elimination of the liberal arts graduate program and the dramatic arts and media studies major, as well as the reduction of the drama…

Don’t let end of semester cause slump

The weather is gray, term papers are looming, and now we don’t even have spring break to look forward to. Seniors are busy preparing to…

Verbalizing on Spring Break

Every time spring break comes around everyone starts asking everyone else what they’re doing. Some people have extravagant trips to foreign places planned, some have…

Campus must prioritize community safety

I was assaulted on 3/11/02 in front of the Holiday Motel, next to the 7-11. I was riding my bike, when a young man came…

Academic integrity is high priority

As students, we are often very busy and life can get pretty hectic, but there is never a good reason to cheat or cut corners.…

Comparing Mills to private colleges

Do you ever feel Mills demands more than other schools? Do you have friends where it seems like their school is more lax on their…