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Posts published in “Arts & Entertainment”

News, reviews, events, and other stories based in arts and entertainment. Also featuring art from the Mills community.

Private space open to public

Mills College Weekly The Mills College Art Museum opened for a new season on Sept. 2, featuring the works of New York artist Patrick Killoran.…

The Real World/Road Rules Casting 2004

As viewers follow the story of the cast members of the “Real World: Paris” and “Road Rules: South Pacific”, producers at MTV are getting ready…

Back into the world

Mills College Weekly Robin Powlesland Major: English with a creative writing emphasis Powlesland uses electronic art with a combination of video, text, audio and oil…

Back into the world

Melissa Neal Major: Studio art with an emphasis in photography Neal showed her final project in this year senior art exhibit All Apart. Her interactive…

Confessions of an art shopper

As Curator Lucinda Barnes thinks back on her journey into her career as a curator, she recalled the time when she was taking an airport…

New club opens curtain

Enter Danforth Hall on a Monday night and risk a chance meeting with Betty Davis or Meryl Streep. Slip into the stadium seating with a…

New movie breaks down stereotypes

Mills College Weekly Better Luck Tomorrow, the new film by Justin Lin, is the comedic and tragic story of a group of ambitious Asian American…