Robin Powlesland
Major: English with a creative writing emphasis
Powlesland uses electronic art with a combination of video, text, audio and oil painting. She comments on her senior thesis:
“I really wanted to work with visual art and text together while using electronic media as an overall medium,” said Powlesland. In her art, Powlesland said that she is dealing with various issues of reality. “I am dealing with microcosms that portray bigger themes,” said Powlesland.
Mills experience: What she really loved about Mills was that she could participate in extracurricular activities. She has been involved in the Weekly, The Walrus and has participated in the Alumnae Association.
Plans: Upon graduation, Powlesland plans to attend California College of Arts and Crafts in San Francisco and receive her MFA in writing.
Thank you: Powlesland wants to thank Elmaz Abinader and Gail Wight for their support on her senior project.