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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Mills drivers, lose the attitude!

So, as all of us that drive on campus, or have read the parking article in The Weekly know, we have a parking problem on…

The demise of Bush

The primaries are essentially over. The re-election campaign is now in full swing. We are about to be flooded with campaign ads, and the incumbent…

Modern music deserves more credit

Dear Editor, In response to the ‘Miko on the Mic’ column published in the last edition of The Weekly, I would like to say a…

A few words from President Holmgren

Dear Editors, I was pleased and proud to see the Editorial on “Roe v. Wade: 31 Years Later” in the January 29, 2004 issue of…

Give Mills a chance

Dear Editor, Over the last year I have noticed more and more articles being written by transfer students complaining about Mills. Topics range from men…

A grand opinion

Mills College Weekly   Spurred since the beginning of the Bush administration, the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland continues to make public political statements.

It’s okay to care what other people think

Mills College Weekly One of the historical goals of a women’s college has been to separate education and everything typically associated with male counterparts, including…