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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

SAMEAPI, APISA honor Mills staff

A simple question: as Mills students, do we ever acknowledge the efforts that lend to the functioning of our campus as we live and know it? We are quick to complain about the frustrations and shortcomings that occupy our considerations, but rarely do we transcend our negativities to simply appreciate our surroundings.

Make your voice count: vote during ASMC elections

The Associated Students of Mills College elections for the executive board, senate and class officers are fast approaching. On April 16 and 17, we urge Mills students to participate in a simple, yet crucial democratic act: vote for your student representatives.

Efforts to open women’s health center on camus finally gaining ground

Both a right and a need, Mills women's sexual health has been a high profile topic since Cyrus and Susan Mills first uttered the words "equal education." Since its establishment, Mills has yet to designate a space to provide for women's healthcare. Finally, the long awaited movement to establish a Women's Resource Center on campus has arrived.

Apologies from members of APER department for Cyclone Spotlight quote

In the March 17, 2008 edition of the Cyclone Spotlight, Laura Davis quoted Mills College Head Tennis Coach Marc Weinstein saying of Cyclones of the Week Claudia Bugarin and Alexa Turner, "They are a perfect match, complimenting each other both on and off the court.

Mills traditions strengthen our sense of community

Recently, the Associated Students of Mills College (ASMC) launched a book drive in an effort to increase Uganda's literacy rates, held the first ever Spirit Week, and organized a dinner theatre, "Murder at the Four Deuces." The Senior class was successful in promoting senior apparel-the purple shirts are everywhere, and the Freshwoman class officers' alacrity in promoting class spirit gives us hope for Mills' future.

Tuition increase straining undergraduates

I'm sure that I am not the first nor the last to flood your desk with letters complaining about the recent tuition increase, but nonetheless feel compelled to speak out about something so heavy on the minds of so many.

We all know the semantics of the raise, so I'll avoid the figures and go straight to the heart of the issue: WE CAN'T PAY MUCH MORE! Mills spouts all sorts of self-praise in its efforts to recruit women of all backgrounds and to make education more affordable, but these increases without financial aid increases prove counterproductive to this cause.

Resuming transfer students “stepchild” of Mills

I went through orientation with the incoming class of 2011. It was incredibly frustrating, because it took an entire weekend. Amidst all of the orientation activities, there were only one and a half hours specifically dedicated to the incoming transfer students; there was nothing arranged for the *resuming* transfer students.