Read what these Mills seniors have to say upon realizing that they'll be graduating from Mills this May.
Posts published in “Opinions”
Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials
Copy Chief Kate Carmack says goodbye to The Campanil and writes about what it's like to have been a part of a team — a "we."
Check out The Campanil's picks for our first installment of "Fashionable Faculty."
Check out some Mills missed connections in which anonymous community members confess their longing for on-campus crushes.
Using pop culture references, Cartoonist Beck Levy illustrates the top 5 speeches you'll hear at Commencement. (Some liberties have been taken)
Editor in Chief Tessa Love says goodbye to The Campanil and talks about making mistakes, learning from them and continuing on.
Colleagues and students of Dr. Susan Spiller have sent in their farewell letters to the retiring biology professor. Read them here.