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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Guidance needed for job search

Many students find the career center, which heavily advertises its ability to help students with finding internships, uninformative and inefficient. Without a doubt, any Mills…

Mills doean’t prepare students

I went to college for two reasons: to get a well paying job and learn how to write. Lately I have been left in the…

ASMC members introduce themselves

Now that the school year has gotten fully under way and you’re settled in to Mills life, I’m sure many of you have begun noticing…

How has breast cancer affected your life?

Mills College Weekly “It’s definitely brought awareness… I’ve had friends that have been affected by it. I’ve enjoyed working towards finding a cure,” said senior…

How has breast cancer affected your life?

Mills College Weekly “Knowing people that have had breast cancer has made me realize the reality of breast cancer as a threat. I’m more careful…

How has breast cancer affected your life?

Mills College Weekly ” I am amazed when I think of how many people directly related to me have had breast cancer. We eat cancer,…

Alum support vital to all Mills students

Alumnae should support Mills as an institution for women’s education, despite concerns within the alumnae community about bisexual and lesbian committees within the association and…