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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Where would you recruit for Mills?

Mills College Weekly “I would recruit from Oakland public high schools. Mills always talks about how it advocates community building locally yet still doesn’t make…

Where would you recruit for Mills?

Mills College Weekly “Mills should send students to Hawaii to recruit. The Bahamas would be good, too,” said senior Shannon Mace.

Travel cheap for good fun

The beginning of November has come all too quickly, and our longing for winter break and tropical vacations haunt us daily. If traveling is in…

Professors should be applauded

Mills’ small size allows students to have close relationships with our professors. We are to have what students at Berkeley, Stanford and San Francisco State…

Planning student events

Well, we’re just about in the middle of the fall semester, and the ASMC is as busy as ever on campus. Here are some of…

Reparations earned through struggles

The battle for reparations-financial compensation paid to black descendants of slaves by the U.S. government-has been a side note in the media for quite sometime…