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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Your ASMC Update

ASMC Executive Board Report For Jan 26 & Feb 6, 2005 Items Approved ASMC provided Superbowl snacks to all of the residence halls. Mills Academic…

Alumnae Respond on Graduation

Dear Editor, The Alumnae Student Relations (ASR) Committee was saddened to read in the Weekly that “December’s [graduation] reception left many disappointed.” (Feb. 8) Other…

Traffic Concerns on Mills Campus

Dear Editor, We’re here at Mills because we are on a mission, so let’s do all we can to get there safely.  During the past…

Mills Alum Shares her Tsunami Experience

I I didn’t want to move. I wanted to stay sitting in the passenger seat of the car where the impossible was possible; I could…

Diversity on Mills Campus: Idealistic or Realistic?

Diversity is about acknowledging the differences that comprise the human species, not about reducing that species down to irrefutable statistics. Somehow in our political correctness…

What did you do for Valentine’s Day?

Mills College Weekly "I gave all my best friends roses.                         Frances Sarona                         Sophomore

What did you do for Valentine’s Day?

Mills College Weekly "I surprised my boyfriend took me to Big Sur"                                 Erin Mowlds                                 Freshwoman