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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Remembering Tumi McCallum

Dear Mills Community, It is with great sadness that we write to our allies and friends about the recent death of one of our former interns, Tumi McCallum. We hope to shine some light on the person Tumi was, particularly given the extremely limited discussion of her life in media coverage of her death.

Kind words and memories of Tumi

"Tumi, You were such an amazing woman. I will miss your smile, and especially your laugh. Your laughter could make the world spin 'round all on its own." Ruth Allanbrook (Oberlin) "Tumi I miss you. You had a wonderful laugh and outlook on life." Karl Rothstein (Berkeley) "I am absolutely devastated to hear this.

Kind words and memories of Tumi

Tumi, We've lost a Mills sister And the world has lost a shining light A bright, strong, woman leader You were so young It was so senseless So much suffering At the hands of someone you once loved And the pain ripples out to us- Your family, friends, peers, Those who knew you well And those who never had the privilege of meeting you yet It was not your time. Peace be with you on your journey now And peace for us As we try and reconcile your loss May it not be in vain Let us stop this violence against women Once and for all Let us be your advocates, Now that your voice has been silenced Let us cry out at the injus tice Let us weep Let us shake this institution of misogyny Let us say- no more Tumi, Let you live on in us- In our work, In our strength, In our memory Let us hold each other more gently Let us meet and part in kind- ness Let us love fiercely and without hesitation For we are all you And you are us- A living legacy And an uncertain future Let us not live life passive- ly Let us not wait until tomor- row Let us not take our time with each other for granted Let us not forget Let us celebrate life as you did Let us laugh and dance in the streets Peace, Sister Peace.

Family remembers Boitumelo McCallum’s “brief but energetic life”

On the 25th of July 1987 Boitumelo Arabella McCallum, affectionately known as "Tumi," was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. Her name, Boitumelo, which means happiness, epitomizes the way she lived her life and the way she made those who were acquainted with her feel.

Now The Campanil: paper enters a new era

Welcome back Mills! The fall semester of 2007 brings a whole new class of women and so many other dramatic and complex changes to campus. None of us can fail to notice the stark nothingness where the heavily-debated Eucalyptus trees once stood. Equally eye-catching is the beautiful, new Natural Sciences Building that had been under construction for the previous year.

Open Forum

The tragically brief and shining life of Tumi McCallum reflected the best of what a young woman can be. When she was killed this past month, the victim of deplorable violence, our shocked and deeply saddened community began the process of mourning all that Tumi was and could have been if she had continued her life of exceptional achievement as an impassioned human rights advocate.

Open Forum

The tragic death of Tumi McCallum is a terrible shock to us all. I knew Tumi as a sweet, gentle young woman, and a passionate fighter for justice who had committed her life to building a better world. Tumi's early experiences as a young girl growing up in South Africa during apartheid and the transition to multiracial democracy greatly shaped her life and her commitment to racial justice.