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FASHION | Photo of the Day: Street Etiquette

Cross-posted from Tymeesa Rutledge’s personal blog, Tiny Tee’s BIG small World.

Mondays always need some style driven men that are influencing the fashion world today. So, I decided to post about two young men who are doing the damn thang. Yes, they are killing it — from Berlin visits to New York Fashion Week.

Not all young black men wear baggy pants and urban brands. Some men of color take style to the next level which I love. Men that know their sizes, fit, tailor attire and know the history of their clothes are super attractive to me.

Joshua Kissi and Travis Gumbs, owners of the fabulous Street Etiquette are the photo of the day today! I’ve known about them for at least 6-9 months and it’s very encouraging to see them sign deals with major retailers.

Men of Color are impacting the fashion world. Forget what mainstream media may say!

I love a man that can wear shorts, classic shoe and blazer. This look is amazing! I see you Joshua.

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