The Associate Collegiate Press conference this year was in my place of birth — the city of Angels — Los Angeles, California. I was so ready to come home, see my friends and family. More importantly, I was ready for them to see me in my element. For the first time in my journalism career, I won an award! Third Place for Best Non-Breaking News Story, to be exact. You can read it here.
This was my last time attending ACP, so I was ready to show all of the other schools what Mills College is made of. I work with such powerful, intelligent and resilient people on my staff, and I wanted to make sure that we all got the respect that we deserve.
So, I played on one of my strengths: my ability to leave a great first impression. All my friends have told me that I come off as very intimidating. I personally don’t feel that way about myself, but I know that a little confidence never hurt anyone.
This entire weekend, I kept my standards, heels and my head held high. I wore professional outfits with a bit of edge to them. I made sure to not only match the event I was attending, but to heighten how I was feeling at the time. I saw the other students as both friends and as competition — okay, mostly competition. I honestly feel that the hard work that we do at The Campanil exceeds everything that anyone else at this conference had to offer.
We write important stories as a form of activism.
It was wildly disappointing to see a lack of diversity in the other newsrooms and more importantly a lack of diversity in the ACP speakers. Journalism ethics was hardly ever discussed at any of the panels or round tables. In fact, if it was ever brought up, it was by my fellow Millsies.
As overwhelming as this experience was for me, I made sure to cherish every moment I had with my staff. We had a staff dinner together at Wasabi in the Universal City Walk, so I dressed up, just for them.

I carry my love for fashion with me everywhere. It is my therapy, my home. It is me. I made the best of what I had on my small college student budget and made it work.
I wanted all of these professional someones to know that I can hold my own, and The Campanil is the underdog waiting to pounce.