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Posts published in “Arts & Entertainment”

News, reviews, events, and other stories based in arts and entertainment. Also featuring art from the Mills community.

Editor’s Pick

Hailing from St. Helena, the male-female duo Crystal Castles brings electronic music to a whole new level.

Despite being unsigned, they are a huge talent followed by hipsters and anti-hipsters alike.

Their creative synergy of electro-thrash presents a refreshing take on electronic music composition.

The Walrus seeks submissions

The Walrus literary journal is seeking submissions from Mills students for their 51st issue of the annual undergraduate literary publication. June Coryell, the Co-editor of The Walrus, says "The Walrus is open to the public and welcomes any genre of work. We accept art submissions, pictures, scans, book art, images of sculptures; and poetry, fiction,essays and music compositions".

Climbing Poetree group performs

The spoken word group Climbing Poetree performed for a packed house at the Student Union on Nov. 7, on the last stop of their national tour. During their performance, the duo who comprise the group, Alixa and Naima, announced that they would be retiring many of their favorite poems throughout the night before embarking on their new two-woman show entitled, "Hurricane Season: The Hidden Words in Water.

Mills Repertory Company show met with mixed reactions

The Mills Repertory Dance Company's opening night performance on Nov. 8 was a tortured mixture of innovation and agonizing boredom. The two-hour performance featured works by Trisha Brown, Molissa Fenley, Sonya Delawaide and others.

The show started twenty minutes late with a performance by a Mills College music group, the William Winant Percussion Group.

Writers Guild goes on strike, closes up shop

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) went on strike last Mon., Nov. 5. This does not seem to mean much to those who are not close to a member of the WGA, but it is soon going to affect anyone who watches TV. Anyone who regularly tunes in to daily shows such as talk shows and soap operas will have already noticed that they've turned to reruns.

Crafters wanted: Crafter’s Collective seeks membership

By Emiko Shimabukuro

The Crafter's Collective hopes to increase attendance at their weekly meetings by reaching out to fellow students with an open-armed, just-for-fun attitude as they prepare for the Craft Fair this month and encourage the expansion of long-term memberships.

30 Days of Night falls short of terrifying audiences

30 Days of Night should have been good. It had a great concept and wonderful cinematography. The problem is that the movie never fully explores its strong points, downgrading this 113 minute long movie from a Must-see to a Rent-it Thriller. The plot is cool: a group of vampires turn a small Alaskan town into a 24-hour diner after the town plunges into complete darkness for a month.