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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Scott owes Jensen an apology

I found that an article printed in your paper entitled “Male grad students intrude on female experiences” to be extremely offensive. I believe that Ms.…

Students are blind to Oakland’s charm

I really enjoyed reading Kate Creps’ column about all the great things Oakland has to offer. During my time on campus, I found that many…

Male students deserve respect

There has been a lot of controversy with some of the editorial and opinion pieces that have been in The Weekly about the presence of…

Division is not a solution for oppression

Having come here this semester from a co-ed school, I can’t say I have a problem with the gender demographics here at Mills. And I…

What is a metrosexual?

Mills College Weekly “Someone who has sex in the subway.” Kim Swanberg, Freshwoman   A metrosexual is a straight man in touch with his feminine…

What is a metrosexual?

Mills College Weekly "A straight man who acts and does everything like a gay man." Kaity Booth, Junior   A metrosexual is a straight man…