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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

What does the future hold for women’s colleges?

Mills College Weekly “I believe firmly in the power of single-sex education, but economic factors are likely to make many schools go coed.”                                                             Amethyst Eve…

An Update from your ASMC Executive Board

ASMC Executive Board Report For September 2004 Items Approved: – The budget for 04/05 school year has been approved by both ASMC and Legislative Congress.…

Student Critiques “Shoddy Journalism”

Dear Editor, I was quite aggrieved and disappointed by the mistakes in the last issue of The Weekly, so much that I am now quite…

Another Women’s College Lost

Mills College Weekly Dear Editor, The Board of Trustees of Wells College has just voted for the school to go co-ed after more than a…

Mouthing Off! On Saving the Fetish Ball at Mills

Dear Editor, As both organizers and supporters of Fetish Ball we feel compelled to finally contribute to the ongoing, impassioned debate surrounding Sam Ospovat’s Hustler…