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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Letter to the Editor

Dear Mills Community,
I am going to try to open the eyes of those who are being misled by information they are hearing and reading from other students. I was very disappointed to read the editorial section of last week's The Weekly to find out that another member of our community is making us all look like spoiled little brats with nothing better to do than complain about what they think are the shortcomings of Mills College. To those students, grow up and get a life. This is college, not kindergarten. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions

Open Forum

To The Weekly staff:

Your coverage has brought more attention to the activism of many students in response to Joanna's departure. The powerful visual images you selected for this issue, particularly the panoramic photo on the inside, are rich with the emotional energy of the student protest.

Letters to the Editor: Public Safety crossed the thin red line

Dear Mills Family: Recently, my daughter was confronted by a thoroughly vexed Public Safety officer as she parked near her dorm. He was upset that she had several parking tickets. She had two other students in the car. He threatened to give one of them a ticket for recklessly opening the passenger door and threatened to have my daughter's car towed.

Letters to the Editor: Public Safety crossed the thin red line

I am not a one-night stand. I have a life-long relationship with this college, and how generous I am in that relationship depends a whole lot on what happens in the next few weeks. The College is allowing a penny-wise and pound-foolish strategy, and I'm fed up.

Our Opinion

You have 45 minutes to eat lunch in between classes, including time hauling yourself and your gear across campus. In terms of ease and accessibility, the choice between eating at Founders Commons or the Tea Shop or Suzie's seems clear. But it's not. For students with the 12 meal plan, the cheapest option at a measly $4,240 for eight months of on-campus dining, there is no choice.

Sick? Stay home

Sniffles abound in our classes, and coughs are as common as that prophetic cold. Nearly half of The Weekly staff members have come down with colds and other illnesses; we've been dropping like flies.


The issue of safety on the Mills campus has recently risen to the top of the administration’s list of topics to address this semester. The…