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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Letters from Abroad

Being a more pagan-inclined person, as soon as I saw a visit to Stonehenge listed on the trips Arcadia offered, I had to visit the famed group of stones. I had some preconceived notions about the place that were quickly shot down by visiting.

Firstly, I had always pictured Stonehenge by a lake or some sort of body of water.

Colleges should make student aid a funding priority

The pursuit of higher education is priceless, but in recent years, funding this academic endeavor has become increasingly expensive.

The costs of obtaining a college degree have been rising well above the rate of inflation for the past decade. At the same time, many universities have been fattening the size of their endowments.

Democratic presidential race dividing Mills campus

When Chelsea Clinton a visit to Mills College on the morning of Saturday, Feb. 2, the press labeled the members of the Mills community in attendance as a largely pro-Hillary Clinton crowd, thereby alluding to the political preference of the entire campus.

True, President Janet Holmgren has shown her support to the Senator from New York, personally aiding her campaign.

Letters from Abroad

Arcadia's Study Abroad program brought me to London to study this semester, but the first weekend of February brought me to Scotland for an adventure.

Waking up at an appalling 5 AM on Friday, I was anxious to catch my train to London Bridge and the Tube to Kings Cross early, just in case I was late.

A return of spam

Spam: It's either mixed animal products or the scourge of your inbox, and anyway you shake it, it's bad news. So why, Mills students, did some of us come back from a nice long break to click open our Mills accounts and be absolutely flooded with the stuff?

While my computer wasn't oozing with the 51st state's preferred meat, I was happy to find it was chock full of erroneous e-mail goodness.

Editorial: The Campanil endorses California’s Proposition 92

When Californians go to the polls on Feb. 5, we hope they vote resoundingly to approve Proposition 92, the community college funding and constitutional amendment initiative.

In 2002, budget shortfalls forced the state's community colleges to reduce class offerings and raise tuition.

Open Forum: Barack Obama a transformational, progressive figure

For me, and for many of the women at Mills, our choice in the upcoming Democratic primary election seems deceptively simple. How can any committed, lifelong feminist not support our country's first serious female presidential contender? Isn't it our duty?

Certainly, this is a historic moment in our country's history, a moment when progressive ideas are finding new support all across the country, a moment when we can put a firm end to the disastrous policies of the past eight years, and a moment when millions of Americans can, for the first time, look at the top competitors for the presidency and see a group of people who better reflect and represent the country we live in than any before.