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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Letter to the Editor

Something so wonderful has happened on the Mills campus that I now feel obligated to report. Three weeks ago Campanil columnist Sandhya Dirks sat in on a private discussion in a class where she helps to teach students the in's and out's of journalism. After discussing proposition 4, which would require girls to tell their parents if they are going to have an abortion, Dirks did not agree with the way opinions were shared.

Speak out, be heard

Some of you may labor under a misconception that we sit in a smoky newsroom with blinds drawn and doors closed, cackling into our hands and printing letters carefully selected to demean the College as much as possible.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Lack of bus passes for students a problem

At the beginning of each academic year, UC Berkeley students can purchase a sticker for their student ID cards, that allows them unlimited rides on any AC Transit bus. This pass, a $1,200 value, only costs $58.50 per semester in students' registration fees and includes transbay lines.

S.F. Mayor Newsom writes to Bay Area colleges on Proposition 8

If you're reading this - you probably couldn't go to Nevada, Virginia, New Mexico or another swing state to help bring hope and change to America on November 4th.

But fear not. We can make history right here by uniting as Californians to stop Proposition 8.

Alum thanks Mills for ‘sisters’ gained

Last month I was invited to a fundraising event in New York City for my undergraduate alma mater, Mills College.

I live in the New Jersey suburbs and, therefore, drove in to the City to meet up with my close friend Harriet, another Mills alum. We met at a café around the corner from the event, had some coffee and got caught up on the past year since we saw each other.

Animals deserve more than Prop. 2

The existence of animal rights is a central component of a compassionate society. Modern factory farming is the antithesis to such compassion. Ripping newborn calves away from their mothers to suffer in unbelievably small crates is unarguably cruel. Cramming egg-laying hens into battery cages so small they can hardly walk is again cruel.

Of Hockey Moms and Plumbers named Joe

The effort by Republicans to boil people down to working and middle class stereotypes is kind of like watching your grandpa try to use slang - insulting at worst, and embarrassing for everyone, at best. And, like Grandpa's attempt at slang, the Republicans' efforts to reduce people to one adjective and/or noun is incomprehensible to the people who actually live those lives.