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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Soapbox: Obama’s promise to repeal DADT

In Obama’s most recent State of the Union address he promised to repeal the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. Students sound off how they think this will actually effect LGBTQ people in the military.

Campus facilities should address safety hazards

The torrential downpours of the past 10 days have raised a number of campus safety issues. While jumping across puddles that seem to take up the entire walkway or sliding down a wet hill may be fun for some, it should not be a necessary means to get to class.

A Florentine arrival

Ellen Newton's account of her first few days in Florence, Italy shows that traveling to a foreign county often subverts your expectations of the world outside Mills.

Mills can do more to live up to green credentials

There are many factors Mills College bases its reputation on: strong academics, engaging professors, a beautiful campus and a strong social justice initiative are among…