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Posts published by “Taylor Conrad”

UCB Dean on Chinese culture

Elizabeth F. Clayton Reviewing the significant cultural movements in China, Orville Schell, Dean of the School of Journalism at University of California, Berkeley, offered a…

Seniors celebrate tradition at Pin Dinner

Traditions at Mills was the underlying tone at the annual Senior Pin Dinner last Thursday, held in the Orchard Meadow dining hall – at which…

Unpleasant find: rodents in hill dorms

Taylor Conrad After hearing her fellow dorm mates screaming about a rat in the hallway of Ethel Moore, junior Anjali Purkayastha went to investigate the…

Movie Review: The Exorcism of Emily Rose

For something I thought was going to be "just another horror flick," The Exorcism of Emily Rose, brought not only an uncanny plot but a…

Roberts nominated as next U.S. Chief Justice

KRT Campus With the death of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, John G. Roberts, formerly the nomination to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, is…

Move Toward Dean System

As the college continues to solidify and extend its graduate program, the School of Business and the School of Education will start next fall. The…

Flood Causes Damage to Mills Preschool

Taylor Conrad A fire sprinkler pipe broke in the preschool building of the Mills Children’s School, flooding the school last week and causing extensive damage…