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Posts published by “Kelsey Lindquist”

Mills welcomes the new dean of students

After the controversial departure of Joanna Iwata in spring 2007, Dr. Joi D. Lewis stepped in as Mills College's new dean of students. Lewis said that she agrees with the Mills vision and wants to "provide Mills students with a transformative student learning experience.

Health fair approaches

The Mills Health and Community Service Fair will make its annual appearance on Wednesday, Oct. 3. For two hours, Toyon Meadow will host 40 to 50 booths offering free goodies and valuable information to students about various community programs and services in Oakland, Berkeley and the surrounding Bay Area.

Guide to Self-Improvement

The new Mills Wellness Resource Center opened its doors to students for the first time on Monday, April 2. Housed in the Chapel lounge, the center is the merging of Health, Counseling and Psychological Services, Services for Students with Disabilities, Spiritual and Religious Life and the Institute for Civic Leadership.

Mills Players take on Shakespeare

The auditorium is dark, though the room is buzzing with anticipation. Suddenly, the curtains part and the stage lights come on, revealing Hippolyta and Theseus as they plan their wedding. This is the opening scene of A Midsummer Night's Dream, the Mills Players Spring production.

New RCL staffers bring social justice awareness to Mills community

Residential and Commuting Life has seen many new additions to its staff this past year. Two of those new additions, area coordinators Linnea Kelsey and Jolie Harris, say they are excited to be a part of the Mills community. "When I was searching for a job, I was looking for everything that Mills is, and I didn't know you could find it all at one school," said Kelsey, a Minnesota native who earned her Master's degree in International and Multicultural Education at the University of San Francisco.

Sage Hall to house new ATM

Money – there’s never enough of it around when we need it the most. It’s not all that uncommon to reach the front of the…