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Posts published by “Ashley Guillory”

Officials lock down campus

Students said that the campus lockdown on Sept. 23 improved on previous years' emergency notification, but procedures were applied inconsistently throughout campus.

However, Mills College administrators are developing ways to improve the Emergency Notification System (EMS).

Nursing students gain a cadaver

After three years of being offered at Mills College, the Nursing Program finally gained a class cadaver this semester.

Students taking Human Anatomy for Nurses, a required course for nursing students, are using the body.

Richard Cone, a visiting biology professor who teaches physiology and anatomy, believes that this acquisition is a great step forward for the program.

Mishandled insecticide leads to fire search

A bug bomb went off in Warren Olney Hall on August 29, bringing the Oakland Fire Department to Mills College.

Scott Pastor, captain of the Oakland Fire Department, said that someone left a Raid Fumigator on a bed in room 302.

The fumigator releases a fog that kills insects in a room, but people who use it must put water in it first, according to Killbugsdead.

Making space for the Women’s Health Resource Center

After two years of campaigning for a campus health resource center, ASMC has provided the Committee to Open a Women's Health Resource Center with funds for such a center, but no space has been allotted for the project.

The current Women's Resource Center provides general health and peer counseling services for women on campus.

Government department has one long-term professor

Next semester, the Mills Government Department will only have one tenured professor even though three majors - Government, International Relations and PLEA - require several government courses.

Department Head Paul Schulman will be teaching courses, but Professor Fred Lawson will be on sabbatical for the fall semester.

In Memoriam

Charles Warren Callister, the architect who designed the Mills College Chapel, died on April 3, just months after visiting the campus.

"He has such a passion in life," said Director of Spiritual and Religious Life Erika Macs about Callister. "At 91, there was still a sparkling energy.