More than $10,000 worth of equipment was stolen from a campus facilities storage container last Thursday. The items were taken from the maintenance yard after…
The Campanil
Many Mills students have been angry, frustrated, and consequently have removed themselves completely from any source of media due to the bias viewpoint of the…
The percentage of students of color on campus has increased since this fall, delighting admission officers, but also raising questions among some students abut what…
More Mills students are returning to campus this fall than any semester in recent memory, officials said. The Office of Institutional Research reported that 85…
Prospective undergraduate Mills students are flipping through updated Mills literature, filling out qualifying interest cards, and receiving e-mails highlighting campus visiting days as part of…
For years, Mills students expressed a desire for a radio station. This fall, the new Mills Radio Club already started work on their plans for…
The F.W. Olin Library launched an updated, web-based version of its collections catalog over the summer that is hoped will improve efficiency and access. The…