Cross-posted from Tymeesa Rutledge’s fashion blog Tiny Tee’s BIG small World.

I have noticed that I see less sneakers worn by men in the Bay Area. Of course, there is the occassional pair of Jordans but not like a few years ago. Therefore, I conclude, that this winter season is all about the following shoes for men : Desert Clark boot, Timberlands, Vans, Toms, Sperry Topsiders and Generic Surplus. The classsic sneaker ( nike) is falling into the same category as the ” Hyphy movement” that the Bay once loved.

Vintage Ralph Lauren Saddle shoe replaces classic sneaker.
Evan Adams
Graduate Student – Electronic Concentration
Urban Outfitter Plaid long sleeve shirt
Levi Super Skinny
Desert Clark Shoe
Why I chose him? He modeled the winter must haves that I posted last week .
My observation was validated by a Mills student who works at a shoe store and understands what is popular this winter season. Her expertise was appreciated since she wore a great pair of bass boots, ” The Nikki”, when we spoke last week. We both agreed that sneakers are losing popularity in the Bay this winter among our male counterparts.
Sneakers like Nike and Converse are simply not “in” this winter in men’s fashion. This is surprising because the almighty sneaker is a “go-to” for many men in the Bay Area. This winter is different because men are returning to more of the classic shoe or boot. The Desert Clark boot has gained popularity these past months because of it’s look, price and comfort ability.
The ever-so-popular Toms gained popularity this summer 2010 and has remained a top shoe for men in the Bay Area. Vans, have been a Bay fave before The Pack rapped “Vans” which encouraged every person and “they mama” to purchase a pair. So it is no surprise that Vans are still a fave for men in the Bay.
Watch the video here.
The Sperry Topsider and Generic Surplus( boat shoes) have been an instant hit for men’s fashion this winter. The Generic Surplus and Spurry Topsider boast shoes add to the preppy look that college students like Joesph love.
Graduate Student – Electronic Music
Grey Sweater
Brown Levis
Vintage Shoes
Why I chose him? He was a modeled his style so effortlessly and the setting was too good to not capture the moment.
Where he recommends you should shop?
China Town’s Salvation Army – Oakland
Thrift town – San Francisco