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FASHION | T Style: College Closet Confession

Cross-posted from Tymeesa Rutledge’s fashion blog Tiny Tee’s BIG small World.

College Closet Confessions (CCC) is a mini-web series that will feature Mills College students and their coveted closets in their dorm rooms. This series will provide insight into how young women dress in a women’s college and how they manage do it fashionably on a tight budget. The purpose of CCC is to expose the myth that women don’t dress well when there aren’t any men on campus to impress. This series will showcase various women who aren’t afraid to share their favorite pieces from their closet and share information about prices and locations of their purchases.

For example, the photos below are of my closet. There are two blue tubs containing many shirts, jackets and other random clothing pieces and pink hangers with shirts, blouses, skirts and slacks. Many of my clothing pieces are from the affordable Forever 21, local thrift shops and my mom’s closet. Honestly, my family is always giving me clothes too.

My shoe collection only consists of colorful pumps, winter staple boots, cowboy boots and the Jordan 4’s. I made the conscious decision not to have any flats or tennis shoes at this point in time because they didn’t flow with my clothing pieces. As soon as I drive, I will wear pumps everyday. Truthfully, I would wear pumps everyday now but the campus roads aren’t paved smoothly.

The mini-web series will have a total of four episodes examining four totally different styles of Mills women. Coming soon!