Senior Mary Moon, rower and coxswain (athlete at the front of the boat, navigating and instructing the rowers) of Mills Crew, has been selected as the Cyclone of the Week for her team-oriented focus and altruism.
Two weeks prior to the biggest race of the season, Western Intercollegiate Rowing Association’s (WIRA) Championship regatta, head coach Sara Nevin addressed the team about boating logistics; given the number of people on the team, two coxswains and three rowers would not be racing, just two Eights boats (eight rowers in one boat.) Mary Moon had been a rower prior to becoming a coxswain in her junior year and realized that she could help solve the problem. She offered to row rather than cox, which would allow everyone on the team to compete in the end-of-season race.
Mary gave up the possibility of winning a medal as a coxswain in order to include her teammates in the important regatta, even though it is possibly the last race of her collegiate career. Mary has shown the true spirit of being a Cyclone!
Cyclone of The Week is written by Elese Lebsack, from APER
Mary Moon
“Crew has been intense and rewarding. Its a lot of hardwork and after everything is said and done you get a
rewarding feeling”
“The Crew team is like a family…they are always there to support you and that creats a sense of belonging.”