Nothing is better than some football, dodgeball and candy before finals week.
As a way to have fun and de-stress before study week, Mills students were invited to participate in two APER events: the Mills Candy Bowl flag football event on Dec. 2 and a dodgeball tournament on Dec. 8.
Mills students gathered on the President’s Meadow to play in the Mills Candy Bowl flag football game. Attendees came bearing posters to cheer on the two teams, yellow and red, while enjoying candy provided by APER.
Calli Storrs and Alana Manuia attended the flag football event to meet new people, exercise and get free candy.
About 30 people attended the event and were randomly put on either the red or yellow team. Themy Adachi, director of APER, and Allie Fox, Communications and Compliance coordinator, served as the game’s referees. The game was close with the yellow team winning 26 to 23.

“It was nice to have a lot of Mills people there,” Storrs said. “I met so many new people who were on my team.”
On Dec. 8, APER hosted its annual dodgeball event before the closing of the fall semester in Haas Pavilion. Mills students were asked to form teams of six and create matching costumes to get into team spirit. The winning team was rewarded with stylish sunglasses, provided by APER.