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Posts published in “Front Page”

Mills College chapel celebrates its 50th birthday

The Mills College Chapel celebrated its 50th anniversary with cake, coffee and community as supporters gathered to honor the chapel’s many years since its doors opened in…

Protestors peacefully gather in support of DACA

Frank Ogawa Plaza in downtown Oakland filled with over 1,000 people protesting President Trump’s decision to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) on Saturday,…

Trump announces end of DACA

On Tuesday Sept. 5, the Trump Administration announced that it will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, ending the legal protections given…

Letter from the editor: Welcome back to cuts

Welcome to our new students, staff, and faculty, and to our returning community members. 2017 is the 100th year in print for The Campanil, the student newspaper…