Dear readers, To say that I’m ready for this job and the many challenges that come with it would be a lie. I’m excited to…
Posts published in “Opinions”
Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials
To Inform Our Community: After Reverend Laura Engelken was fired over the summer, the student clubs affiliated with Spiritual and Religious Life at Mills—the Jewish…
Last year in my British Literature class, a fellow Mills student said the word “like” 87 times in less than four minutes during a class discussion.…
On Aug. 9, eighteen-year-old Michael Brown was shot at least six times by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. The shooting has brought on…
Unable to attend this year's Commencement, Brian Walker penned a surprise letter to his daughter and graduating senior, Brittne.
Check out Cartoonist Beck Levy's 2014 Commencement survival guide and learn which essentials you'll need to have during the ceremony on May 17th.
Graduating senior Valeska Munoz decided to change her career plans as a veterinarian in order to become a teacher in Oakland and catalyst for social change.