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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

What are you going to be for Halloween?

Mills College Weekly “I’m going to be a slutty secretary accompanied by the Virgin Mary,” said junior Rachel Pelican.

What are you going to be for Halloween

Mills College Weekly “I’m going to a Strokes concert so it’s gonna be cute-maybe a girl gangster,” said senior Sylvia Gates.

Do you read the Weekly?

Mills College Weekly “No, I haven’t read it since I saw an issue my sophomore year on which the front page headline was “Strong wind…

Cure for stress, take care of self

We can all use a little health-enriching alteration in our lives, especially now, with midterms here and finals looming in the near future. In fact,…

No benefits with war

With no evidence of any real threat, with no support from the international community and with $50 billion of taxpayer money and 250,000 American lives…

Do you read the Weekly?

Mills College Weekly “I do. I think this year is the best Weekly I’ve seen since I’ve been at Mills. I really like the way…

Do you read the Weekly

Mills College Weekly “Yes. You’ve been doing a really good job of covering diversity issues on campus lately. I also really like the FYI section.…