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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Senior applies academic education to real life

If the gods of the academic standing committee see fit to approve my numerous petitions, I will graduate, on time, this semester. Before I pick…

Are you happy with our new governor?

Mills College Weekly “No. He voted against protecting the rights of gay and lesbian foster kids,” said freshwoman Lena Lopez.

Are you happy with our new governor?

Mills College Weekly “In an ideal world, the Green Party would have won. Since that’s still a few years away, I’m happy that Davis beat…

Are you happy with our new governor?

Mills College Weekly “Considering the fact that Ronald Regan was our governor at one point, it could have been a lot worse,” said senior Sarah…

Advertising in Bay Area is beneficial

Advertising about Mills College’s programs is increasing the school’s visibility and aiding outreach locally. One recent campaign involved sponsorship of the KQED public radio fund…

Where would you recruit for Mills?

Mills College Weekly “I think visiting local junior colleges would be a good start. It seems like more people know about Mills in other states,…