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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

End of the Mills era

In September of 1998, my parents, sister and Spot the dog (yes, we really have a dog named Spot) packed me off to my freshman…

Identity politics prohibits unity

For decades identity politics have been the subject of heated debates in academic and political circles. These debates are far from over, but it appears…

Are there enough lower division classes?

Mills College Weekly “No. It’s frustrating to try to register for lower division classes when upperclasmen and non-majors get priority,” said freshwoman Emily Wagner.

Are there enough lower division classes?

Mills College Weekly “Being a studio art major, it’s really difficult to get into art classes because most of them are requirements and upper classmen…

Are there enough lower division classes?

Mills College Weekly “No, we just have to wait and take the leftovers,” said freshwoman Gloria Espinoza.

What programs would you cut?

Mills College Weekly “Unusual sports seem the least necessary and aerobically inactive.I think we should offer more languages than we do now,” said sophomore Alix…

What programs would you cut?

Mills College Weekly “They can decrease President Jan’s salary and add more programs instead. Why would you cut programs when you could add more!” said…