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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Terrorists alerts strategic for Bush support

Suggesting that Americans prepare disaster kits, ordering airports to conduct random vehicle searches for bombs, the U.S. government conjures up fear instead of a sense…

U.S. guilty for supplying nuclear biological weapons to Saddam

U.S. officials now admit (with a certain reluctance) that Saddam Hussein acquired lethal chemicals, germs, biological seed stocks-materials of mass destruction-from U.S. companies under state…

How has the terrorist alerts effected your life?

“It makes me feel preoccupied with my safety. But directly, I don’t feel threatened. I feel that the media to a certain extent does heighten…

Black History month at Mills honors diversity

Across the Bay Area, the black community is paying homage to the great black scholars, writers, inventors and artists that make up the great contributions…