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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Americans must stand with Haiti against U.S. hegemony

Haiti, the world’s oldest black republic and South Africa, Africa’s youngest democracy, are planning a joint celebration of their momentous anniversaries next year. On Jan.…

Marketing Mills

Finally Mills has hired a marketing team to revamp Mills’ convoluted image. The long awaited makeover is being executed by Art & Science Group with…

Are you staying at Mills next semester?

Mills College Weekly “Non, je vais en France et je ne reviens jamais! (No, I’m going to France and never coming back!)” Jade Waples, Freshwoman

Are you staying at Mills next semester?

Mills College Weekly “No, because I’m taking a semester off to be a beach bum in Mexico! Suckas!” Gabi Lewton-Lewpold, Freshwoman

Free speech is imperative to college students

“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” These rights, granted every citizen by the First Amendment of the U.S.…