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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Letter to the Editor

Thanks for your article on the Social Justice in Action Retreat! I would like to add that SJIA was co-organized by Lael Sigal, Assistant Director…

Feminism Revisited

Mills College Weekly In one of the last meetings of the Women in American History class, the professor posed as questions for discussion, what did…

Falling Into Darkness

We live in an increasingly “multicultural” world. The world today is faced with many social, political, and interfaith issues. A small act or gesture can…

What was your highlight or lowlight of the year?

Mills College Weekly “My highlight was fencing, and being able to stab at people with a weapon akin to a sharp car antenna.” Jennifer Poole…

What was your highlight or lowlight of the year?

Mills College Weekly “My highlight was being involved in the Social Justice Retreat with wonderful people, and my lowlight was getting sick without my mommy…