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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

What is your reaction to the weapon ban expiring?

Mills College Weekly “I think that Bush should have renewed it, because the specific weapons included were deadly enough to not apply to hunting or…

Letter to the Editor

I was deeply shocked to read the descriptions of the last two Fetish Balls in the Mills College Weekly. I used to teach my students…

Major Theft Causes Student’s Distrust on Campus

To say I am upset, disgruntled and very disappointed would all be understatements. I send this out to my fellow Mills colleagues and faculty members…

Hustler Adds to Gender Conflict on Campus

Like many in the Mills community, we at The Weekly are both incensed and disheartened by the article written by a Mills alum, detailing his…

Did you pay more attention the Olympics or the conventions?

Christina Kwong “I paid more attention to the Olympics, because I like the gymnastics and the swimming.”                                                                    Sukrita Blackburn                                                                   Senior