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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Election Chaos Cannot Continue

And so, another election night has passed with no clear presidential winner and news reports so varied, citizens can’t reliably trust any. Again, election results…

What did you do for Halloween?

Mills College Weekly “I organized the Ghost Walk for the freshwomen.”                                                                                 Leah Albin                                                                                Sophomore

What did you do for Halloween?

Mills College Weekly “I wrapped myself in saran-wrap, duct-taped my nipples, and went to the Castro.”                                                                                                        Colleen Zickler                                                                                                     Freshwoman

What did you do for Halloween?

Mills College Weekly “I was at an awesome party on Friday, but I didn’t do anything on the day of Halloween.”                                                                                                Lauren Towery                                                                                               Senior

Disheartened Mother

Dear Editor, Imagine you are a grown woman of 50 who grew up around the Bay Area during the free wheeling ’60s. Your parents were…

The Demise of a Bipartisan Game

The two-party system is corroding representative democracy in the United States. Presidential elections are just around the corner, and as each of us weigh our…