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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

One student’s reaction to the hurricane

I have over 60 immediate family members between the ages of 3 and 85 years old living in New Orleans who have been devastated by…

Government failed citizens

Government failed citizens With FEMA being the new four-letter F-word, we can safely call the response to Katrina's devastation a colossal clusterFEMA, and it's the…

Respect Needs to be a Two-way Street

While the outcome is still up in the air, one thing is for certain in the continuing negotiations between the College and the Alumnae Association.…

How has your vagina been censored?

Mills College Weekly “It self-censors.”         Sharada Balachandran-Orihuela       Senior

How has your vagina been censored?

Mills College Weekly “For all my life I’ve been really open about my sexuality. I don’t feel it’s been censored.”                                                                                         Lourdes Garcia                                                                                         Junior

How has your vagina been censored?

Mills College Weekly “It’s never occurred to me that my vagina’s been censored.”                                                             D. Kaufmann                                                             2nd Year Post-Bacc