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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Mills upgrades technology with new e-mail system

We live in a modern age and for the most part, Mills College has tried to keep its technology up-to-date. Our new Life Sciences Building, for example, includes advancements like solar panels and Public Safety recently installed security devices such as the blue light warning systems in Richard's parking lot.


This semester, we at The Campanil have been working to improve the look, appeal and content of our newspaper. We have been trying our best to solicit feedback and contributions from our readers so that we can become even more of an integral part of the Mills community.


Imagine this:

You're sitting in your local theater.

Someone has split Coke on the floor, but you don't care. You've been waiting for this movie ever since you saw the trailer a month ago.

Nothing can tear your eyes away from the screen, or so you think.


As Mills College pushes for higher enrollment and expands its graduate programs-the college has welcomed a popular program in Business Administration, and this year in Public Policy-we look forward to a vibrant future for the school. However, with the prospect of a larger student population, we wonder what will be done to preserve the many things that make this institution special.

Students should be informed of meal plan changes

Simply put, Bon Appetit Management Company has failed to deliver.

Touted for the ability to provide services Mills College cannot provide itself given its small size, there has been no significant increase in quality-only in price. In addition, students were informed of the switch after they had already signed up for this year's meal plans and they chose their individual plans based on what they thought the rules were going to be this year.


I'm not going to argue that Dumbledore isn't gay. Dumbledore is J.K. Rowling's character, and I have no problem with her deciding the circumstances surrounding his life, orientation, funny passwords, etc. It would be silly to argue against her power to create characters, as it is a matter of completely obvious observation.


In case you haven't heard, here's the big news of pop culture: Dumbledore's gay. Harry Potter writer J.K. Rowling made the announcement at Carnegie Hall on Fri., Oct. 21, part of her book tour for students around the United States.

An audience member asked if Albus Dumbledore, one of the most powerful wizards in the H.