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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials


Mills College, safety, housing, Charlotte Riggert, Larsen House, contract, ban, eviction

Open Forum

We began this semester on a solemn note, reflecting on the life and grieving the loss of a fellow Mills woman whose life was abruptly shortened by domestic violence. In retrospect, it left me wondering if as an institution and community of her peers, there was anything more we could have done to intervene or support her.

Letters to the Editor

Wishes to clarify and elaborate on previous Opinions submission I appreciate your publication of the commentary on feminism I co-authored with Jennifer Smith in [the Oct. 15 issue of The Campanil]. I do wish, however, to offer a few points of clarification, as I felt that some of the message of our piece was lost in printing.

Open Forum

I have recently returned to my "exile base" in Wales from Quebec City where I was invited to attend the American Musicological Society's annual conference and received an invitation from the editors at The Campanil to make a statement to the Mills community.

Open Forum

Mills used to have a lot of quirky traditions.

I only use the past tense to illustrate how far we've come from our isolated, quirk-city roots. Think about it: Mills used to be an island in a rural sea, a little cluster of young ladies and social mores. Boring, right? Hence the need for quirky traditions, importing men from the University of California, Berkeley, and the now long gone, yet ubiquitious Mills Brown Bread.

Mills upgrades technology with new e-mail system

We live in a modern age and for the most part, Mills College has tried to keep its technology up-to-date. Our new Life Sciences Building, for example, includes advancements like solar panels and Public Safety recently installed security devices such as the blue light warning systems in Richard's parking lot.

Speaker insensitive in Darfur presentation

On Sunday, Nov. 4, we attended a presentation on Darfur in the Student Union called "Speak Out: stopping sexual violence against women as a tactic of war." Expecting to hear about violence against women in Darfur, we were shocked by the cultural insensitivity of the presentation.