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Posts published in “Opinions”

Opinion pieces, columns, and staff editorials

Mills should celebrate Oakland, before the City or Berkeley

Mills projects a community service image, from the Institute for Civic Leadership to the number of internships and non-profit job postings that decorate the bulletin boards in the Career Center. But the College obscures and overlooks its Oakland home and associates itself with Berkeley and San Francisco.

The Underside of UnderGrad

Anyone else feel like the sky was falling on them last week? And no I don't mean the economic crisiseses (how does one spell that word in the plural? Crisi?) I refer to the whirling helicopters and the mad-dog public safety folk - the campus lockdown soon to be seen as a major motion picture, Mills: Under Siege.

“Under-the-door” canvassing leads to paper waste

While student organizers must be lauded for the effort they put into advertising all kinds of worthy causes, clubs, and events on and around campus, the practice of "under-the-door" canvassing - in which a flier is printed for every dorm room on campus and then delivered accordingly - deserves to be phased out.

Building a world without prisons: ten years of Critical Resistance

In 1998, over 3,500 activists, artists, educators, radical lawyers, youth, indigenous people, immigrants, former prisoners and their families came together in Berkeley with the goal of building an international movement to end imprisonment as a response to deep-rooted social problems.

Civil liberties eroding but apathy and fear abound

If you haven't heard of the ridiculousness that has happened at the Republican National Convention, it's not surprising. I stumbled on it by grace of my Obama communities on LiveJournal.

While I cannot deny there weren't some people intending to do some property damage among the many who protested, I think that, as reported by CNN, firing chemical agents at a noisy but peaceful crowd is crossing the line from overprotective to downright totalitarian behavior.

Is Sarah Palin a dream come true or a nightmare for the vice presidency?

Six months ago, I sat in my hometown, forced to listen to the ramblings of the local radio station: "Who will you vote for in the Primaries?"

There were predictable calls of homage to McCain, a superstar in conservative Tuolumne County, CA; I even caught a few maverick cheers for Obama.

The Underside of Undergrad

I recently had the pleasure of spending a lovely afternoon at the DMV. Which, in my opinion, was only excluded from Dante's circles of hell by not having been invented yet. But beyond the long lines and haggard looks from fellow visitors at the weigh-station to hell, what was most remarkable about my visit was the mistake the DMV lady found on my license.