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Posts published in “News”

Breaking news, analysis, columns, and other facts-based articles.

Club considers Web broadcasts

For years, Mills students expressed a desire for a radio station. This fall, the new Mills Radio Club already started work on their plans for…

Recruitment gets a face lift

Prospective undergraduate Mills students are flipping through updated Mills literature, filling out qualifying interest cards, and receiving e-mails highlighting campus visiting days as part of…

Retention rates exceed goals

More Mills students are returning to campus this fall than any semester in recent memory, officials said. The Office of Institutional Research reported that 85…

Mills sorority creates debate

Sororities are being considered by the Black Women’s Collective as a way to help in the recruitment and retention of black students, even though they…

“Goats R Us” visits campus

Each spring, a lively group of several hundred workers collaborate to help maintain the Mills Campus as a safe and beautiful place to reside. Scouring…

Hate crimes up since hijackings

As the toll of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon begins to be felt throughout the nation, the events of Sept.…

Program sparks interest student, professors join

€The new undergraduate public policy program opened to both majors and minors this fall, and is already raising heads and interest all over campus. “This…