Opinions Editor Dajanae Barrows discusses her Spring Break and her time at Mills overall.
Posts published by “Dajanae Barrows”
Dajanae Barrows is the Opinions Editor of The Campanil and has been on staff since Fall 2014. She is a 2nd year graduate student. Contact her at barrows@thecampanil.com.
Opinions Editor Dajanae Barrows gives helpful tips on how to style curly hair.
The Campanil shares a Q & A with Chicora Martin, the new Dean of Students.
A profile in Q & A form with Professor Kristina Faul who was featured in a report for Oceanography Society.
Opinions Editor Dajanae Barrows writes about her experience from the weekend at ACP and being part of the How Queer panel.
#BlackLivesMatter and weird signals from Pharrell Williams's performance at the Grammys.
Part 4 of Confessions of a grad student talks about loans.