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Posts published by “Campanil Staff”

All the articles written by The Campanil staff. Tweet at us @thecampanil.

Q&A with new ASMC co-presidents

This school year, seniors Ashley Grant and Amber Williams will both assume the role of the presidency for the Associated Students of Mills College (ASMC).…

“Mama Linda” uses spiritual gifts to help community

Outside of her studio apartment on 98th Avenue in East Oakland, Linda Noble "MTZ," a card reader and holistic healer, displays a happy birthday sign and balloons for her four-year-old grandson Izias, who has been missing for a year.

Noble -who says she is a certified ordained minister and prefers the term "spiritual advisor" to fortune-teller or psychic-likes to add the suffix "MTZ" to her name, short for her mother's name, Martinez.

Obama’s face found all over

Alongside a Rastafarian-colored t-shirt of Barack Obama sporting an afro, a carton of "Barack is my homeboy" buttons and marijuana leaf patches decorate the stand of one street vendor on Berkeley's Telegraph Avenue. Clothing and political paraphernalia emblazoned with the candidate's face fill the street market and shelves of small and big businesses.