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Posts published by “Nicole Vermeer”

Nicole is the Managing Editor for The Campanil. She graduated in May 2011 with a B.A. in English with an Emphasis on Literature and a Environmental Science minor. Interact with her on twitter @nicoleamaria.

Documentary festival explores environmental issues

The first Earth Day Film Festival will premiere on Apr. 22 at 6 p.m. in Lisser Hall. Students involved in the event hope it will bring environmental recognition to Mills College.

Organized by Mills senior Heather Altherr, the film festival is part of Earth Week, which runs from Apr.

New building to come for botanical garden

Plans are underway to construct a new building in the botanical garden, to givegive more space with which the gardening program and visitors can work.

Mills has fundraised and created a rough plan for what the College can build, according to Garden Coordinator Christina McWhorter.

Mills Mind-Body Awareness Week

The Mind and Body Awareness Week events are under way, but many students are still unaware of the health resources available at Mills.

Campus organizations, including the Women's Leadership Institute and the Women's Health Resource Center, came together to host a variety of events, ranging from yoga and meditation to gardening.

Mind and Body Awareness week showcases campus health resources

The Mind and Body Awareness Week events have finished, but many students are still unaware of the health resources available at Mills.

Campus organizations, including the Women's Leadership Institute and the Women's Health Resource Center, came together to host a variety of events, ranging from yoga and meditation to gardening.

Reaccreditation organization reviews Mills College

On March 4 through 6, officials from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges will visit Mills and determine whether they will reaccredit the college. The results of this process will shape how Mills is governed in the future.

WASC reaccreditation occurs approximately every 10 years and determines whether the college and its students are eligible for financial aid and grants.

Applicant rates increase despite bad economy

The number of Mills College applicants remains at a record-breaking level for spring 2009, even though the United States is in an economic recession.

Mills officials attribute this to their decision to not let budget cuts affect student financial aid.

Last year there was a total of 1,416 first-year applications, and this year the number has already surpassed 1,700, according to Dean of Undergraduate Admission Giulietta Aquino.

Cyclones raise over $2,000 for cancer research

On Oct. 3rd, the Mills Cyclones defeated William Jessup University 3-0 at the first annual Dig for the Cure event. The event wove a fundraiser into a traditional competitive volleyball game that raised over $2000 in one night for breast cancer research and awareness.