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Posts published by “Michelle Balovich”

Prepared piano strange, lovely

BY MICHELLE BALOVICH Some keys, when struck, gave off sounds of bells, some make traditional piano sounds and others sounded like a rubber band wrapped…

Seniors debate class gift

Although the senior class narrowed down its ideas for a gift to the college to two options, there is still debate on which option to…

Provost Resigns

After serving only one year at the college, Provost and Dean of Faculty Susan Steele announced she will resign from her position at the end…

Diversity is more than race

I’m writing in regard to the article in last week’s issue of the weekly, entitled “Mills’ new face of diversity.” In my interview I was…

Calendar passed by faculty vote

The faculty voted unanimously in favor of changing the academic calendar on Monday. According to the Academic Standing Committee, the new calendar for the 2002-03…

Holmgren looks ahead as new issues arise

As President Janet Holmgren celebrates her eleventh year at Mills she said she feels proud of her accomplishments at the college, but many students said…

Confusion over focus

College officials use the term “Women’s Centered Environment” to describe the curriculum, however, some students don’t see the college as women centered enough or are…