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Posts published by “Lisa Bergquist”

Lisa is the former Design Editor for The Campanil. She graduated with a history major and double minors in economics and journalism in May 2010.

Junior in awe over time in Brussels

I don't know how I ended up here.

Oh sure, I filled out the application, wrote an essay, got signatures, bought my plane ticket online and obsessed about what to bring for over a month, but as I arrive in Brussels, Belgium that is all a blur. Suddenly I am here and there is snow on the ground.

Women explore present, past

This fall the Mills College Art Museum is bringing together eight female artists in two exhibits highlighting current and historical struggles of women from around the globe. The Offering Table: Women Activist Artists from Korea and Ginger Wolfe-Suarez: AS LONG AS I LIVE YOU WILL LIVE will be on display until Dec.

Community to remember music professor in song

Mills College and the Deep Listening Institute are sponsoring a concert in honor of Toyoji Tomita Sept. 10 in Lisser Theatre. Tomita taught trombone at Mills and graduated Mills with a Masters in electronic music in 1986.

"When you get such good musicians dedicated to doing something beautiful for someone they love, it should be very nice," Mills College concert coordinator Steed Cowart said.

‘Ceramic cemetery’ intrigues students

Beyond Vera Long, nestled next to the creek, the red-brown erupted brain is hardly noticeable. Cross the bridge to see the broken pieces of a soldier by the parking spaces. Mills art students are giving their artwork homes around campus. "It's sort of been this odd tradition when students leave or they don't have a place in their room for it or it costs $300 to ship it cross country, they just sort of place it there with varying degrees of success," said Ron Nagle, the Studio Art department head.