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Posts published by “Katja Geldhof”

Mr. Fix-it keeps Mills running smooth

Mills College Weekly On a warm day in October, Joe Wilson is ready to be interviewed about his eclectic job as a maintenance technician at…

Hot-soup heals blues

Mills College Weekly With a rich blend of memory, eulogy and comedy, Tony Award-winning actor Ruben Santiago-Hudson’s one man play, “Lackawanna Blues,” delighted the opening…

Advertising in Bay Area is beneficial

Advertising about Mills College’s programs is increasing the school’s visibility and aiding outreach locally. One recent campaign involved sponsorship of the KQED public radio fund…

Club bends borders

Mills College Weekly Having long known the power of collaboration, artists have historically formed groups dedicated to synergy, from salons to workshops to shared studios.…

Clubs focus for new president

With a strong belief in the value of student clubs and a desire to increase communication between the student body and the administration, Michele Roberts…

Alternative Spring Break

With inquisitive minds and eager hands,15 Mills women devoted their mid-semester break to Oakland youth and neighborhood participation as part of the fourth annual student-led…

All students aboard seafaring classroom

While most Mills students complete their studies on campus, some have explored the world by ship, encountering everything from Castro’s politics in Cuba, flying fish…